3 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy Eyeglasses Online

While it can be very tempting to buy eyeglasses online, it is always better to buy them from a professional eye doctor. Here are 3 reasons why you should always visit an optometrist when you need a new pair of prescription spectacles.

For today’s busy consumers, there is no doubt that online shopping offers many benefits, including big selections, greater convenience, and lower costs. But that doesn’t mean it’s the perfect solution for all your needs.

While buying prescription eyeglasses online instead of from your trusted eye doctor may seem like a convenient and good idea, it does have some severe limitations that could negatively impact your:

  • Overall health
  • Eye health
  • Quality of life
  • Clarity of vision


Our Trusted & Qualified Eye Doctors Ensure Optimum Eye Health

At Blink Eyewear, we take great pride in offering our customers quality service, comprehensive eye exams and ocular health care, including glaucoma testing and emergency eye care, making our Calgary optometrists far superior to any online service.

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3 Reasons You Should Always Buy Your Eyeglasses From an Eye Doctor

Today, almost anything you want can be bought online, including prescription eyeglasses. While it’s true that online shopping has many advantages, such as greater convenience, it is not always the right choice.

Here are 3 reasons why you should ALWAYS buy your prescription eyeglasses from a trusted and professional optometrist:

1. You’ll Receive Greater Patient Care

To an online store that sells eyeglasses, you are just a faceless customer. At Blink Eyewear, our eye doctors treat you as a valued customer and aim to not only sell you a product but to safeguard your long-term ocular health and help you achieve optimum vision comfort.

We offer a wide range of vision services to protect your eye health, such as:

Whatever your eye health needs, our optometrists have the qualifications and experience to provide safe and quick treatment.


2. You’ll Get the Right Fit

A properly fitting pair of eyeglasses is critical to ensuring you can see comfortably. In some cases, choosing eyeglasses online that don’t fit properly will only make viewing through your lenses difficult, or even impossible.

Our eye doctors will go to great lengths to find the type of frame that will provide you with the best vision and this is done by considering:

  • Your face shape
  • The way your prescription lenses will look and feel in certain frames
  • What part of the lens you’ll be looking through (important for bifocals)
  • The position of the frame on your face

Our Calgary eye doctors will give you a wide range of eyeglasses options and ensure that the frame you choose fits you correctly, ensuring the best vision.


3. Any Prescription Adjustments Will Be Easy to Make

There may be times when you get new eyeglasses that changes in the prescription may be required. Unlike an online store, your eye doctor can recheck your new prescription and make any needed changes to ensure that you can see comfortably.

Get the right prescription the first time

A certified optometrist is more likely to give you the right prescription the first time, and fix it quickly if there is a mistake. 



Call Today

To find out more about how our qualified eye doctors can help protect your eye health and ensure optimum vision, visit one of our three branches, Crowfoot (67 Crowfoot Terrace NW, T3G 4J8), West Springs (1009 873 85 St SW, T3H 0J5) or Creekside (12192 Symons Valley Rd NW, T3P 0A3).

Alternatively, you can contact our team at our Crowfoot Branch (403-547-5417), West Springs (403-242-0999) or Creekside (403-516-2292).

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Blink Eyewear boasts the largest collection of eyewear in Calgary, but our 3 locations are also home to the region’s finest optometrists. Just as you will not find a better store to shop for your eyewear, you will not find a better vision clinic to do your eye exam or treat your eye condition. 

Go ahead and Blink; what you see is really what you get. Call one of our store numbers or fill out the form below to book an appointment.

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