5 Important Facts About Children’s Vision

Good vision is extremely important for your child’s development. Here’s everything you need to know about your child’s ocular health and how to ensure their eyesight remains clear as they grow.

Your child’s vision is closely linked to their learning process, and poor eyesight can hinder their academic, social, and athletic performance. That’s why it’s recommended that you schedule regular eye exams with a friendly and experienced children’s optometrist. 

During these eye exams, your child’s optometrist will: 

  • Perform a vision test to see if your child is farsighted or nearsighted 
  • Conduct a pupil test to determine how your child’s eyes react to light 
  • Perform an eye movement test to check your child’s peripheral vision 
  • Dilate your child’s eyes to fully examine the health of the optic nerve and retina

Does My Child Need an Eye Exam If They’ve Had a Vision Screening? 

An eye exam performed by a children’s optometrist is much more comprehensive than a vision screening. It’s recommended that every child must receive an eye exam in addition to a vision screening because an eye exam will help keep any prescriptions current and give your optometrist the chance to check for other vision issues. 


Our Calgary Optometrists Take Care of Your Children’s Eye Health and Vision 

At our Calgary eye clinic, our optometrists offer comprehensive services for children including emergency eye care, children’s eye exams, and contact lens fittings, to protect your child’s eyes and clarity of vision. Whatever your needs, we can help your whole family achieve and maintain optimal ocular health. 

Want to know more? 


5 Things You Should Know About Your Child’s Vision 

Good eyesight is crucial for your child’s development and learning, so it’s important to make sure that your little one’s eyes are cared for and that they have regular check-ups with their optometrist, starting from a young age. This will ensure that any refractive errors or serious eye conditions are caught early on and corrected in a timely manner. 

As a parent, here are five things you need to know about your child’s vision: 

1. Good Eye Health Begins Before Birth 

Did you know that a child’s vision development begins even before born? Certain things that could affect your little one’s eyesight include: 

  • Low birth weight has been associated with an increased risk of vision problems 
  • Exposure to smoking or other hazardous toxins can adversely affect vision development 
  • Certain medications can affect the eye health of your baby 

That’s why it’s important to quit habits such as smoking if you are planning on getting pregnant and that you take medications only after consulting your gynecologist. 

2. Your Child Should Have Their First Eye Exam at 6 Months of Age 

It is recommended that your child has his/her first eye exam at 6 months of age. This should be followed by another examination at the age of 3 years. Once your child starts school, they should ideally have their eyes checked by an optometrist once every two years, until they reach the age of 18. If a child needs vision correction, such as eyeglasses or contact lenses, they should have more regular eye exams (at least once a year). 


3. You Must Watch Out for Signs of Vision Problems 

Young children are not very good at expressing any issues they might have with their eyesight. So as a parent, you must be vigilant about watching out for any signs of vision problems. 

These could include: 

  • Light sensitivity
  • Constant eye rubbing
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Sitting too close to the television
  • Squinting 
  • Inability to track an object
  • Unwillingness to do schoolwork (e.g. reading) 

If you notice your child displaying any of the above symptoms, or if they are complaining about eye pain or any other issue in regards to their ocular health, it’s important to book an appointment with your optometrist right away. 

4. There Are Common Vision Problems That Affect Children

There are several eye conditions and diseases that can affect a child’s vision. Early diagnosis and treatment is the best way to keep your child’s eyes healthy and their vision clear. Here are some common eye problems that a child might experience: 

  • Refractive errors: Refractive errors (shortsightedness, astigmatism, or longsightedness) are the most common causes of vision problems in school-age children. This can be easily fixed with the right prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. 
  • Amblyopia: In this condition, the health of one eye is better than the other. It typically starts in childhood (at around the ages of 6-9) and common symptoms include head tilting, squinting or shutting one eye, or trouble with depth perception. 
  • Strabismus: Also known as a squint, this is a condition in which the eyes are misaligned. While one eye is directed at an object, the other may turn inwards or outwards. Treatment for this includes wearing eyeglasses, surgery, or patching of the non-squinting eye. 


5. Too Much Screen Time Can Harm Your Child’s Eyes 

In today’s digital age, young children are spending more time than ever staring at screens for either studying or playing. Parents must keep a tab on this screen time because increased exposure to blue light (emitted by tablets, laptops, and smartphones) can cause computer vision syndrome and nearsightedness, among other issues. 


Contact Us 

Is your child due for an eye exam? Are you worried about certain symptoms your child has been exhibiting in regards to their vision? At Blink Eyewear, our optometrists provide comprehensive services for children to help protect their eyesight and ensure they maintain clear and comfortable vision. 

To find out more, contact our team at our Crowfoot Branch (403-547-5417), West Springs Branch (403-242-0999) or Creekside Branch (403-516-2292).


Q: At what age should children have their eyes examined?
Children should have their first eye exam at 6 months of age. If you have a family history of eye conditions, or you suspect a problem with your child’s vision, you may want to have them examined sooner. 

Q: Why are eye exams so important for children?
Children’s learning is linked to good vision. Any refractive errors or other eye conditions can cause delays in this development and may even hinder your child’s academic progress and physical coordination. 

Q: How can I prepare my child for their first eye exam?
It’s important to let your child know, ahead of the appointment, that they will be having their eyes examined. Explain that the eye doctor will have them look at different pictures, that they may have to wear ‘goofy’ glasses during the tests, and that special lights will be used to look at their eyes. At Blink Eyewear, we always try to make your child’s first eye exam a happy experience! 

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Blink Eyewear boasts the largest collection of eyewear in Calgary, but our 3 locations are also home to the region’s finest optometrists. Just as you will not find a better store to shop for your eyewear, you will not find a better vision clinic to do your eye exam or treat your eye condition. 

Go ahead and Blink; what you see is really what you get. Call one of our store numbers or fill out the form below to book an appointment.

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