6 Things Your Optometrist Checks for During a Glaucoma Test

Often referred to as ‘the sneak thief of sight’, glaucoma is one of the leading causes of preventable vision loss in seniors in the United States and Canada. Regular eye exams from your Calgary optometrist can help detect early signs of this eye disease and lower your risk of vision loss.

Glaucoma encompasses a group of eye diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve due to an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP). When detected in the early stages, glaucoma can often be controlled, preventing severe vision loss and blindness. 

Since symptoms of glaucoma are often absent in the early stages of the disease, regular eye exams that include glaucoma screening are essential, especially for individuals who are at a higher risk of developing the disease. 

While anyone can get glaucoma, you may be at higher risk if you: 

  • Are over the age of 60 
  • Have a family history of glaucoma 
  • Have diabetes 
  • Take certain medications 
  • Have suffered a significant eye injury 
  • Are an African-American over the age of 40 
  • Are of Hispanic, Latino, or Asian descent 

Early diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma is the only way to prevent this disease from severely affecting your vision. Only your optometrist, through a glaucoma screening, can determine if you have this eye condition and suggest the right course of treatment. 

Our Calgary Optometrists Offer Comprehensive Glaucoma Testing Services 

At Blink Eyewear, our team of highly experienced Calgary optometrists offer comprehensive senior eye exams and glaucoma testing services to diagnose and treat this eye disease early on before any vision loss has occurred.

Want to know more? 


What to Expect From a Glaucoma Test 

Left untreated, glaucoma can cause irreversible vision loss, which is why early detection and adherence to treatment is so critical. The best way to protect your sight is to have a comprehensive eye exam, including an optic nerve check, which is simple and painless. 

During a glaucoma exam, your eye doctor will: 

  • Measure your eye pressure, also known as intraocular pressure (IOP)
  • Examine your optic nerve for damage
  • Inspect your eye’s drainage angle
  • Measure the thickness of your cornea
  • Test your central and side (peripheral) vision
  • Take a picture or computer measurement of your optic nerve 

You must remember that glaucoma cannot be self-detected. Only your eye doctor can determine whether or not you have this eye disease. 


Signs and Symptoms of Glaucoma: What to Watch Out For 

While glaucoma rarely presents symptoms in its early stages, it’s important to know what to look out for. If you are experiencing any changes in your vision, you should contact your eye doctor immediately. 

Here are some of the signs and symptoms for different types of the disease to watch out for: 

Open-Angle Glaucoma 

Most people who develop open-angle glaucoma don’t experience any obvious symptoms in the early stages. However, some signs of this type of glaucoma include: 

  • A gradual loss of peripheral vision, usually in both eyes
  • Tunnel vision in the advanced stages 

Glaucoma affects your peripheral vision and during the advanced stages, only a small central area of vision remains. Eventually, damage to the optic nerve will result in total blindness. 

Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma 

Acute angle-closure glaucoma is a serious eye condition that occurs when the fluid pressure inside your eye rises quickly. This is an eye emergency and must be treated immediately to avoid vision loss. 

Contact your eye doctor right away if you experience any of the symptoms below: 

  • Severe eye pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea and vomiting (accompanying the eye pain)
  • Halos around lights
  • Reddening of eye 

If treatment is started early for acute angle-closure glaucoma, then the outlook is favourable. However, if treatment is delayed or the attack is severe, the high pressure in your eye can damage the optic nerve and blood vessels. If this is the case, there is a risk that your vision will be permanently reduced in the affected eye.

Our Calgary Optometrists Can Help Protect Your Vision

Are you experiencing any sudden changes to your vision? Do you have a family history of glaucoma? Through comprehensive eye exams and glaucoma testing, our Calgary optometrists can help detect this eye disease early on and lower your risk of vision loss. 

To find out more, contact us at our Crowfoot (403-547-5417), West Springs (403-242-0999) or Creekside (403-516-2292) branches.

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Blink Eyewear boasts the largest collection of eyewear in Calgary, but our 3 locations are also home to the region’s finest optometrists. Just as you will not find a better store to shop for your eyewear, you will not find a better vision clinic to do your eye exam or treat your eye condition. 

Go ahead and Blink; what you see is really what you get. Call one of our store numbers or fill out the form below to book an appointment.

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