Choosing the Right Eyewear for Myopia: Glasses vs. Contact Lenses

Choosing the Right Eyewear for Myopia: Glasses vs. Contact Lenses

Choosing the right eyewear for myopia involves understanding the benefits and considerations of both glasses and contact lenses. Glasses offer a hassle-free, low-maintenance solution with added protection from dust and UV rays, making them ideal for those with sensitive eyes or allergies. They also serve as a fashion accessory, reflecting personal style. Contact lenses provide greater freedom and a natural field of vision, perfect for active lifestyles and situations where glasses are impractical. They offer superior visual clarity and are available in various types to suit different needs. Ultimately, the choice depends on individual comfort, aesthetics, vision requirements, and budget. Blink Eyewear can help you find the perfect solution for your myopia management.

When it comes to managing myopia, or nearsightedness, choosing the right eyewear can make a significant difference in both your vision and overall quality of life. At Blink Eyewear, we understand that every individual’s needs are unique, and making an informed choice between glasses and contact lenses can sometimes feel overwhelming. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and considerations of both options to help you make the best decision for your lifestyle and eye health.

Comfort and Convenience

Glasses: A Hassle-Free Solution

Glasses are often the go-to choice for many individuals with myopia due to their simplicity and ease of use. They don’t require the meticulous cleaning and maintenance that contact lenses do, making them a hassle-free option for those who prefer a low-maintenance approach to vision correction. Additionally, glasses are less likely to cause eye infections since they don’t come into direct contact with your eyes. For people with sensitive eyes or allergies, glasses can be a more comfortable option, especially during allergy season.

Contact Lenses: Freedom and Flexibility

On the other hand, contact lenses offer a level of freedom and flexibility that glasses simply cannot match. Contacts move with your eye, providing a more natural field of vision without the obstruction of frames. This can be particularly advantageous for those with active lifestyles, as contacts are less likely to get in the way during physical activities and sports. Modern contact lenses are designed to be highly breathable and comfortable, with options such as daily disposables that reduce the risk of infections and eliminate the need for cleaning solutions.

Aesthetics and Personal Style

Glasses: A Fashion Statement

For many, glasses are more than just a vision correction tool; they are a fashion accessory that can reflect personal style and personality. With a wide variety of frames available, from classic to trendy, glasses can complement any look and even enhance your overall appearance. They offer an opportunity to express your individuality and can be changed to suit different outfits or moods. Moreover, glasses can provide additional benefits such as UV protection and blue light filtering, which is essential for those who spend a lot of time in front of screens.

Contact Lenses: Invisible and Unobtrusive

If you prefer a more natural appearance or don’t want to alter your look, contact lenses are an excellent choice. They are virtually invisible, allowing you to showcase your natural features without the distraction of frames. Contacts are also ideal for situations where glasses might be inconvenient or impractical, such as during formal events or while wearing certain types of protective headgear. For those who enjoy experimenting with their look, colored contact lenses offer a fun way to change your eye color temporarily.

Vision and Eye Health

Glasses: Protecting Your Eyes

Glasses provide a protective barrier between your eyes and the environment, shielding them from dust, debris, and harmful UV rays. This makes them a safer option for individuals who are prone to eye infections or have conditions such as dry eyes. Additionally, glasses are less likely to cause irritation or discomfort, making them a suitable choice for long-term wear. For those who spend a lot of time working on computers, specially designed lenses can help reduce digital eye strain and improve comfort.

Contact Lenses: Clarity and Precision

Contact lenses offer unparalleled visual clarity and precision, especially for those with higher prescriptions or astigmatism. Because they sit directly on the eye, contacts provide a wider field of vision with less distortion compared to glasses. This can be particularly beneficial for activities that require sharp vision and peripheral awareness, such as driving or playing sports. Advances in contact lens technology have also led to options that provide additional hydration and UV protection, ensuring that your eyes stay healthy and comfortable throughout the day.

Cost and Maintenance

Glasses: Long-Term Investment

While the initial cost of glasses can be higher, they often prove to be a more cost-effective option in the long run. With proper care, a good pair of glasses can last for several years, only requiring occasional adjustments or lens replacements. Additionally, the cost of cleaning and maintaining glasses is minimal compared to the ongoing expenses associated with contact lenses, such as cleaning solutions and regular replacements.

Contact Lenses: Ongoing Expenses

Contact lenses, while convenient, do come with recurring costs. Depending on the type of lenses you choose, you may need to budget for regular replacements, cleaning solutions, and follow-up eye exams to ensure your prescription remains accurate. However, for those who prioritize convenience and the benefits that contacts provide, these ongoing expenses can be a worthwhile investment.

Ultimately, the choice between glasses and contact lenses for myopia management comes down to personal preference and lifestyle needs. Both options have their distinct advantages, and the best choice for you will depend on your comfort, aesthetic preferences, vision requirements, and budget. At Blink Eyewear, our experienced optometrists are here to help you navigate this decision, ensuring that you find the perfect solution to meet your unique needs. Whether you opt for the classic appeal of glasses or the convenience of contact lenses, we’re dedicated to helping you see clearly and live comfortably. Call us, book online, or visit one of our 3 convenient locations in Calgary: Crowfoot, Creekside, West Springs.

Written on behalf of Blink Eyewear.


Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision condition where distant objects appear blurry. It is typically treated with corrective eyewear like glasses or contact lenses.

Both glasses and contact lenses have their advantages. Glasses are low-maintenance and provide eye protection, while contact lenses offer greater freedom and a natural field of vision. The best choice depends on your lifestyle and preferences.

Contact lenses offer superior visual clarity and a wider field of vision. They are ideal for active lifestyles and situations where glasses might be inconvenient.

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Blink Eyewear boasts the largest collection of eyewear in Calgary, but our 3 locations are also home to the region’s finest optometrists. Just as you will not find a better store to shop for your eyewear, you will not find a better vision clinic to do your eye exam or treat your eye condition. 

Go ahead and Blink; what you see is really what you get. Call one of our store numbers or fill out the form below to book an appointment.

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